Discover the simplicity of our Easy One-Pan Baked Salmon Recipe, a flavorful delight for seafood lovers!

Easy One-Pan Baked Salmon Recipe


Welcome to a hassle-free cooking experience with our Easy One-Pan Baked Salmon Recipe. This dish combines simplicity and flavor, making it a go-to for busy days.

Easy One-Pan Baked Salmon Recipe


  • – Salmon fillets
  • – Olive oil
  • – Lemon slices
  • – Garlic cloves
  • – Fresh dill
  • – Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. Place salmon fillets on a baking sheet.
  3. Drizzle olive oil and add lemon slices, garlic, and fresh dill.
  4. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes or until salmon is cooked through.

Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 20 minutes | Total Time: 35 minutes


Q: Can I use frozen salmon for this recipe?

A: Yes, make sure to thaw it before baking for even cooking.

Q: What sides pair well with this salmon dish?

A: Roasted vegetables or a fresh green salad complement the flavors perfectly.

Q: Can I marinate the salmon in advance?

A: Absolutely! Marinate for an hour or overnight for enhanced flavor.

Q: Can I use other herbs besides dill?

A: Certainly! Experiment with rosemary, thyme, or parsley for different flavors.

Q: How do I know when the salmon is cooked through?

A: The salmon is done when it flakes easily with a fork.


Elevate your dinner game with our Easy One-Pan Baked Salmon Recipe. Quick, delicious, and minimal cleanup – the perfect combination for a delightful meal. Try it today!

#SalmonRecipe #EasyCooking #OnePanDinner #SeafoodDelight #QuickRecipe

Simple and Savory One-Pan Baked Salmon Delight